New York, New York

141 East 62nd Street

New York, NY 10065


Engelwood, NJ


Lima, Peru


Danny Yang


Danny in Cannal Street in Manhattan, 1998

D.O.B.: 06/22/1963

P.O.B.: Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Residence: New York

Occupation: Interpreter

What is your view of women?

When I hear the word woman, immediately I think about these things: beauty, charm, intelligence, gentleness and kindness. They are good companions.

Woman is different from man because of her femininity, and this is the part that is missing in myself.

What type of woman do you most appreciate?

I don't have a specific physical preference. I like kindness and gentleness in a woman.

Ricardo León Peña Villa


Ricardo in his apartment in Manhattan

D.O.B.: 7/4/1962

P.O.B.: Medellín, Colombia

Residence: Loisaida, New York

Occupation: Poeta, activista, escritor, ex periodista

What is your view of women?

Woman is in life to give life. Woman is the port I'm always seeking; she's the school of life, from her very tenderness, which is stronger than force.

What type of woman do you most appreciate?

I like the most beautiful one, the one who's at my side

Scott Odabash


Scott fishing salmon in Alaska, 2000

D.O.B.: 10/03/1961

P.O.B.: Teaneck, New Jersey

Residence: Scottsdale, Arizona

Occupation: Real Estate Developer

What is your view of women?

I have four sisters... where do I start -- where do I end?

What type of woman do you most appreciate?

I like them independent, smart, and attractive.

Aristoteles Picho


Aris next to the Real Felipe in El Callao, Perú 1998

D.O.B.: 16/10/59

P.O.B.: Huancayo, Perú

Residence: Lima, Perú

Occupation: Actor

What is your view of women?

At the beginning of the 21st century the participation of women in a democratic society is transcendental. The right to vote put her in a new position. It also caused her to face and solve the problems of everyday life at different levels in society. She became an important symbol in the advances of the economy as well as in human rights.

What type of woman do you most appreciate?

The type woman who fight for her rights and who vigorously defends her principles.

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